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Scientific Publications
Optimization of electrochemical performance of NMC cathode via adjacent synthesis and test protocols
In this work, the cathode powders having Ni-rich Core/Mnrich Shell have been synthesized via a cost efficient and easy controlled process that is built on a two-step co-precipitation method by optimization of process parameters under steady performance tests.
11th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Energy Storage Systems (mESC-IS), Mugla&Akyaka, Turkey (July 2023) – Partner: DLR – ENW
We have successfully integrated a strand of optical fiber inside a lithium-ion pouch cell as optical sensor. Then, an optical frequency-domain reflectometer is connected to the sensing fiber for distributed temperature monitoring inside the battery.
OPTICA, laser applications to chemical, security and environmental analysis (July 2024) Partner: CSEM
The investigations of the present work are done in the frame of PHOENIX project (Horizon Europe under the grant agreement No. 101103702) aiming to develop initially highly sensitive thin-layered metal oxide-based sensors for hydrogen detection and for integration inside the battery cell.
Battery2030+ Annual Conference (May 2024) – Partner: DLR
In the EU-funded project PHOENIX (grant agreement No. 101103702), with the purpose of scavenge of the abovementioned gases, the aim is to design and develop various metal organic frameworks (MOFs) integrated separators to be integrated in LIBs to minimize significant volume changes and electrode degradation during long cycles.
Battery2030+ Annual Conference (May 2024) – Partner: DLR
The first results of the synthesis of a magnetically triggerable self-healing polymer developed within the Phoenix project are presented
Battery2030+ Annual Conference (May 2024) – Partner: ENW – FHG
8th International Symposium on Materials for Energy Stoarge and Conversion (mESC-IS), Boku (October 2024) – Partner: DLR
Oral presentation about an overview of the PHOENIX project, along with some initial results about self healing polymer.
8th International Symposium on Materials for Energy Stoarge and Conversion (mESC-IS), Boku (October 2024) – Partner: ENW – FHG
99th DKG Annual Meeting Ceramics 2024 (CERAMICS 2024), Germany (September 2024) – Partner: DLR
Analysis of the philosophical foundation of futures studies and its implications for prospective LCA
In recent years, the subfield of prospective life cycle assessment (LCA) has emerged and continues to develop. As a result, it is expected that prospective LCA will become a critical tool to support decision-making processes, among others in the context of the PHOENIX project. Yet, the discipline’s philosophical foundations have not yet been clearly established, neither has its boundaries to other future-related academic disciplines, potentially leading to unclear scope definitions. This work aims to contribute to the clarification of fundamental assumptions within and behind prospective LCA. To this end, fundamental texts on theories of foresight and future studies are analysed and compared to state-of-the-art scientific articles on prospective LCA and scenario analysis. A preliminary examination reveals Gaston Berger’s distinction between studying the near future, which demands immediate action with minimal room for error, and the far future, where a greater tolerance for risk exists as adjustments to undesired outcomes remain feasible. Forecasting, relevant to the near future and foresight, applicable to the far future, require distinct methods that can be used in tandem. The poster explores how the distinction between forecasting and foresight can aid prospective LCA in delineating decision contexts and sheds light on the ongoing debates about uncertainty in the field. The subsequent phase of this research aims to bridge the gap between foresight and forecasting in practical application, namely, how to contextualize the outcomes of prospective LCA for the distant future within present-day decision-making. The framework will be applied in the PHOENIX project, exploring the potential future environmental impacts of smart batteries.
SETAC Europe 26th LCA Symposium, Gothenburg (October 2024) – Partner: VUB
In the EU-funded project PHOENIX (grant agreement No. 101103702), with the purpose of scavenge of the abovementioned gases, the aim is to design and develop various metal organic frameworks (MOFs) integrated separators to be integrated in LIBs to minimize significant volume changes and electrode degradation during long cycles.
Battery Innovation Days, Spain (November 2024) – Partner: DLR
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