Categories: News

by Marta Cecconi (DBL)


Categories: News

by Marta Cecconi (DBL)

May 21, 2024


General Assembly

A year after our last in-person General Assembly, the consortium of the PHOENIX project had the opportunity to meet face-to-face in the charming floral town of Würzburg, Germany, hosted by our partner Fraunhofer ISC. It was an intense two days in which we were able to make the best of the situation and understand how the project is evolving and in which direction we are heading.

General Assembly

1st Day

On the first day, we started with a status update on the various technical work packages, an overview of the work done, questions raised by others, and an exploration of synergies between the different partners. Work on sensors is progressing, as is that on the Battery Management System (BMS) and self-healing mechanisms: in the coming months, we will be able to provide more updates. Following an interesting workshop on Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing (DOFS) for battery temperature monitoring, our hosts from Fraunhofer opened the doors of their laboratories, showing us the prototypes they are working on and the areas dedicated to PHOENIX research. The day concluded with a social dinner, setting the stage for the following day.

General Assembly

2nd Day

The second day began with final presentations, paving the way for the last workshop dedicated to one of the various activities organised for the project’s exploitation. To make it more interactive, we opted for a workshop divided into groups, with boards and sticky notes, making it more engaging and fruitful. To close the General Assembly, we had a meeting with one of the leaders of the BATTERY 2030+ initiative, of which the PHOENIX project is a part and collaborates with other interesting projects. We had also the opportunity to meet our sister projects (the SALAMANDER project and the HEALING BAT project) begin to establish a research path together, finding common ground to exploit for the benefit of research.

General Assembly

The days were rainy and gray, but they did not hinder us from socialising and finding interesting insights to move the project’s work forward.

Take a look at our photo gallery from those days!

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